Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Does it get any better than this????? How special do Kaylee and I feel having such a great man in our life???? I was busy cleaning up the kitchen and came around the corner into the playroom only to see this...... now this is priceless! They were reading the book together playing the different musical instruments, laughing, looking at each other with their big blue eyes and truly having the time of their life!!! Keenon comes home each night, quickly washes his hands (lets not forget mommy is a germ freak) and runs to change clothes so that he can get to his little princess as fast as possible. They immediatley start giggling together for the next twenty minutes..... it's truly the best sounds that come from our home all day! It truly amazes me that he works so very hard all day long and is truly tired, but when he sees his little princess it's like the world melts away and energy abounds him! We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful daddy, husband and ultimately ...... BEST FRIEND!!!!!!!

play day

Today we had some very special visitors! Caroline and Camp came to play with us! We had such a great time. We made a garden paving stone, boy are these kiddos creative! Then we, of course, went swimming, swimming, swimming. We had a spectacular diving contest and of course we all won because our talents were overwhelming!!! Then we did an art project with foam paper. Next we were onto baking cookies, we made pink, blue and green sugar cookies in all shapes and sizes........ they were scrumptious! Kaylee watched in amazement all day long!! She loved to laugh and grunt at camp and of course give him lots of hugs!!! She liked to watch Caroline do flips in the pool and would clap for her! Caroline and Camp were so awesome playing with kaylee! She learned a lot from them today!!!! Mommy is plum wiped out.... oops I meant Kaylee is so tired she went to bed at seven a whole hour early and for our little anti-sleeper that's big!!!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Staying Cool

Kaylee and daddy love to sit down and enjoy a push pop or an icee on these hot summer days.

All Daddy has to say is Kaylee would you like an icee and she will come running around the corner from her playroom clapping her hands together. This is the only thing that will slow this little princess down. When they finish Kaylee "signs" for more,more, they'll have one more and then after sharing two she is usually ready to get down and go, go,go.........

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Catching Up

Here are just a few random pictures of recent happenings...... we gave up on the website... it was so cool but daddy just doesn't have the time to manage it and mommy isn't savy enough to keep up with that!!! So....... let us fill you in on what's been happening lately......

We like to finger paint at least once a week.... we like the bottles more than getting that gooey stuff on our fingers... yes prissy through and through.... did you think my daughter would be any other way?!?!?!?!?

we go to the zoo...(sorry mommy forgot to flip the picture.... you just turn your head to the right and then you'll see my two favorite people) The giraffes and meerkats are our favorites..... and we LOVE to stay and growl at the bear.... it's quite hilarious.....

And most of all.... we love to play, play, play..... kaylee loves to play peek-a-boo as you can see she hides behind her playhouse tent and pops out to scare us, she rides her pony, she hugs her dolls, jumps in her "ball pit" and climbs all over her indoor playground thing. Mommy's favorite thing that kaylee does is when she goes to her library and gets out her Mr. Brown Can Moo book she just laughs and laughs when I read it to her. She also loves Polar Bear, Polar Bear what do you hear.... that book saves my life come diaper change time.

Doggie Play Time

Gina brought over Haley, her lab, and the boys and her had a little playtime in the pool.

Our First Bike Ride

Hi Everyone!

Well Kaylee and I took our first bike ride this morning. Daddy brought home brand new bikes for he and I and a trailer for kaylee! What a fun surprise! We rode all the way to the park and back. We both loved it. It was so much fun! Kaylee enjoyed playing with her toys in her "limosine." Mommy enjoyed the workout. When we got to the park we swang and slid down the slide many, many times. Kaylee enjoyed pointing to all of the bugs.... thank goodness she doesn't want to touch them... yet...

Sunday, August 5, 2007

First Post

Here we go! Finally a way for me to keep you involved in the life of the Rayner's! Our little princess is growing so fast and is doing new things every day. I hope you enjoy watching her discover the world around her! It is hard to believe that she is 13 month old!! We celebrated her firt birthday last month, time really does fly, she is walking everywhere and into everything!! She is such a joy and a blessing.