Friday, September 28, 2007


On our way to the big game. Our little princess rode in on daddy's shoulders. They were too cute in their Red Raider gear!!!
It was fun to go to our first game as a family...... It was so great to show kaylee the
Red Raider spirit..... the whole way into the game we would say touch down and she would put her arms up just like the refs do.... too fun... even the tail gaters got a kick out of our little cheerleader!

Saying cheese in her cute little outfit! Mommy and Kaylee went underneath the seats to cool off.. it was a hot one!

Nothing better than watching a football game with my daddy...

Come on mommy keep up.... we climbed and climbed the bleachers... no need for mommy to work out today....

Aunt Gee Gee was able to join us for a day of fun... we were so glad she came with us. She even wore black despite her loyal aggie spirit.... Now that's a true friend......

A few of my favorite things to do ... this week....

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Kaylee's little buddies!

We came home from a trip to the grocery store and mommy gave kaylee the "bear" tub of animal cookies. Mommy thought that this would enable her to get the groceries unpacked in a very peaceful manner. Then Kaylee proceeds to pick up the bear tub smile at me and walk out of the kitchen. I figured she went into her playroom to sit on her bed and eat her snack, which is what she usually does. Then I hear this giggling and then I heard her squeal with delight.... so I peak around the corner only to see this.......

Her little hand reaching through into the dog's bedroom.....

uh oh busted, but here mommy you can have a cookie too........

ok, I'll eat one too......

Look mommy I'll show you what the dog's did when they first saw me.....

And this is what they look like when I give them a cookie, so of course being the great mommy that I am, I let her turn around and continue to feed patch and cooper the animal cookies. ha ha

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Mommy and Kaylee decided one day that it would be fun to have a photo shoot. We got out our gear and picked out our outfits..... we were all set! We started out with our favorite lavendar outfit complete with a princess bow! We are happy!

Then it was time to move onto our next outfit... this is when the photo shoot went a bit off track, well off of mommy's track anyway... We couldn't decide what to wear next... the pink or the lavendar... the pink or the lavendar....

Well hmmmm what to do, well first I'll stand up because I've been sitting for two minutes and well we all know that is just way too long... then well here mommy I don't need this bow anymore it won't match my pink outfit. what to wear next.. the pink or the lavendar the pink or the lavendar.....

well our princess just couldn't decide and wasn't interested in sitting around and smilin' Thus ending our photo shoot for today........ mommy still had fun watching all the decisions being made!!!!

Landscaping completed..... FINALLY

Well it's finally done. I wanted to share the pictures as promised. Today is a beautiful day and we were out enjoying not only the day but our new yard!!!

Daddy and Kaylee enjoying the sunny day!

In case anyone was wondering if I'll be venturing out of my box to assist small businesses anymore.... I won't be. I've decided to help my friends, family and some neighbors. I've always been a stay inside the box kinda gal!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2007