Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Lot's of catching up......

Well my friends I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, or run away to a deserted island (although at times that is very tempting), or won the lottery...... just in my own little world!

I'm not very good at writing things, I have this bad habit of rambling on and on and on and really not making much sense... so here is another top ten list.... no it's not the one I promised in my last post, as i titled this post catching up it's only fitting that this list be.......


10. We had a nice Thanksgiving. Kaylee had mac and cheese especially made home made by her Grandma, but she much preferred mommy's plate and gobbled up the mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes......

9. Kaylee got a new play kitchen as an early Christmas present from her Grandparent Cleboski's...... it is really so awesome and she cooks up a storm, her favorite thing to cook is egg sandwiches and hamburger with tomatoe........ She makes this cute noise when she pretends to fill her tea pot and she gives me lots of tea each day and loves it when I make a funny gulping sound.
(note the outfit, my brother got this for her, very cute and perfectly fitting as daddy dressed kaylee this past saturday) yes my little princess is wearing camo.... but with lace so it's okay.. ha ha and a message on the front that says you go girl... hilarious, thanks Sean!
8. I asked Kaylee this morning if she wanted her milk and she looked at me and as clear as it could be she said "yup" I loved it!!!!

7. She loves to go to sleep with daddy and if she wakes up at night she likes for him and ONLY him to put her back to sleep...... maybe this should be my number one..... sure hate that she doesn't want her momma then..... don't tell but I strategically planned this one.... ha ha ha honestly at first I was kinda sad but then when I was the one getting all of the sleep I was sure to keep my big mouth shut!!!

6. We attempted to go see santa and REAL reindeer and someone, not going to name any names here, didn't like Santa and proceeded to scream at him..... and not going to name any names again but this other person was really upset as someone was perfectly dressed and looked adorable, and not to mention that it would've made the perfect Christmas card... oh well later we played at the park and that someone was as cute as always.

5. Mommy and Daddy had their first night out in like six months. We went to a Christmas party downtown. We had a great time and enjoyed a little adult time!

4. Kaylee loves deer and especially reindeer!!! We went to build a bear and got her that cute little rudolph complete with the song and a light up nose... very cute! She goes to sleep with it and wakes up playing it.... it was a truly lovely song the first fifty times, but now I'm not so sure..... then this morning she woke up and came to keenon's side of the bed, bent down and then when the song started she jumped up and started dancing! It was hilarious... all of a sudden we could hear that song a million times!!! We have three deer outside in our grizwaldish yard... go sparky go.... We spend a lot of time just before bed looking at our winter wonderland yard! Again way to go daddy!!! no pics yet-- we are too busy trying to ride the deer!!!!

3. My brother is getting married in March, we are so excited and we love his soon to be wife!!!

2. My best friend is getting MARRIED!!!! We are excited and can't wait for the big day. It'll be in June! She is marrying a super sweet guy and we couldn't be happier for her!!!! go aunt Gee Gee! We went dress shopping this past weekend with her best friend, Liz and of course Gina's mom. She found the most amazing dress and looks so beautiful and absolutely stunning in it... Allan better prepare himself!

1. MY MOM AND TOM ARE FINALLY BACK IN TEXAS. YAHOO YAHOO!!!!! They moved back last weekend to Murphy right next to Plano outside of Dallas. We are thrilled to have them only three and a half hours away by car... as we all know my prissy butt doesn't do airplanes well!!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Gone Baby Gone....

Well it's been an eventful week around our house..... Gone, gone, gone is my precious little baby and welcome TODDLERHOOD.......


10. We are now in full sprints around the house gone are the days of playing on one small blanket with a sqeaky little toy. And add on hiding in places and then giggling when mommy is now sprinting all over the house to find her before she finds something she shouldn't.....

9. Dance, Dance, Dance....... that's all we do..... to Kaylee's cd's to mommy's cd's to commercials on tv in the grocery store to the music (we draw quite an audience) and on market street in the middle of the big grassy area.....

8. In love with Baby..... our baby doll that is..... She now eats with us, gets fed a bottle, gets pushed in a wagon (we need a stroller for her hopefully santa will bring one), and she sleeps in the tent in our playroom. (glad someone around here likes to sleep..... I'm not bitter or jealous of baby, just look how peaceful she sleeps.... I wish my little toddler friend might learn to mimick this wonderful experience.)

7. We walk/sprint/crash into concrete to get the mail now instead of loving to be in mommy's arms (again, not bitter)

6. We fold clothes and know where mommy keeps all of the towels, her clothes, daddy's clothes and kaylee's clothes.... amazing... mommy can't even keep that straight.

5. We are saying words to say what we want.... still weirding me out a bit... I mean she'll say juice.... I always turn around like huh?!?!?!

4. NO FEAR.. enough said

3. We destroy the playroom in minutes.... (this isn't disturbing to mommy the neat freak or anything.... but we are rest assured learning to put toys and stuff away.... I recall asking my mom about a month ago when will she learn to clean things up. she said around eighteen months... that just was way too long or um late to me to be learning to clean up.... we are getting the hang of it now, well most of the time anyway....)

2. We shake our head yes and no for things we want...... she'll now tell me yes i want cheese or no I don't want milk..... the best is telling me yes to swinging and NO NO NO to taking a walk... oh but never fear she says yes to shopping.... couldn't be more proud.... HA HA

1. WE NOW HAVE A BIG I MEAN BIG OPINION ON WHAT WE WEAR...... I'm in so much trouble... just check out this picture..... Where are the fashion police when you need them... but we HAD to have these shorts on!
Check out the facial expression. yes folks this too is new... we scrunch our face up when we are unsure of someone or something or just simply don't like what's happening.... or better yet observe how we almost have our hands on our hips and one hip cocked to one side....
oh geeze, she really is my child isn't she... my mom always said I would have one just like myself and she simply said, good luck with that and had this oddly satisfying smile on her face.....

But all that said:
Daddy is still my hero..... Which leads me to my next top ten list .... top ten things I love about sweet toddler kaylee.... stay tuned. This list will be much harder to keep at just ten things.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Welcome Tom the Turkey

Well it's that time of year again, one of my favorite times of the year........ When Tom, my favorite turkey friend can come out and welcome friends and family to our home! Daddy and Kaylee went along with mommy's silly tradition and we all had fun putting Tom out for this Thanksgiving season..........
Okay Mommy, Patch, Cooper and I are ready to greet Tom!

Let me help get the pumpkins just right.......

Okay looks like we have everything in place! We laughed so hard at Tom the Turkey!

Okay boys our work here is done!

Not only do we like Tom the Turkey but so do the family of deer that live in our woods behind our house! We were coming back from the store and when we turned onto our cul-de-sac we saw the four deer admiring not only Tom but our hay bale as well...... but I was so glad to see that they loved our hay... I mean our beloved Tom the Turkey! Gobble, Gobble!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Monday, October 8, 2007

Lights, Camera, Action!

We had a big time photo shoot this past weekend. We broke out extra lighting and all of the props! It was so much fun to take the pictures and be silly! Kaylee had a great time she giggled the whole time. So check out what happened when we broke out the lights, the camera and brought the action.........

Friday, September 28, 2007


On our way to the big game. Our little princess rode in on daddy's shoulders. They were too cute in their Red Raider gear!!!
It was fun to go to our first game as a family...... It was so great to show kaylee the
Red Raider spirit..... the whole way into the game we would say touch down and she would put her arms up just like the refs do.... too fun... even the tail gaters got a kick out of our little cheerleader!

Saying cheese in her cute little outfit! Mommy and Kaylee went underneath the seats to cool off.. it was a hot one!

Nothing better than watching a football game with my daddy...

Come on mommy keep up.... we climbed and climbed the bleachers... no need for mommy to work out today....

Aunt Gee Gee was able to join us for a day of fun... we were so glad she came with us. She even wore black despite her loyal aggie spirit.... Now that's a true friend......