Saturday, November 3, 2007

Welcome Tom the Turkey

Well it's that time of year again, one of my favorite times of the year........ When Tom, my favorite turkey friend can come out and welcome friends and family to our home! Daddy and Kaylee went along with mommy's silly tradition and we all had fun putting Tom out for this Thanksgiving season..........
Okay Mommy, Patch, Cooper and I are ready to greet Tom!

Let me help get the pumpkins just right.......

Okay looks like we have everything in place! We laughed so hard at Tom the Turkey!

Okay boys our work here is done!

Not only do we like Tom the Turkey but so do the family of deer that live in our woods behind our house! We were coming back from the store and when we turned onto our cul-de-sac we saw the four deer admiring not only Tom but our hay bale as well...... but I was so glad to see that they loved our hay... I mean our beloved Tom the Turkey! Gobble, Gobble!


Anonymous said...

OMG, those are so cute. we miss you guys. hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

ADORABLE as usual :) I cant believe the boys sat there that long! Can I invite Tom to my wedding?? He he...I am getting married :)

Anonymous said...

Hey! Gina just showed me y'alls blog. I love it! She is making fun of me because I don't have a blog. I told her she needs to teach me. Anyway, I hope Kaylee gets to feeling better. I wish you could have stayed longer. Hope to see you guys again soon!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures with Tom are just adorable. Looks like Patch and Cooper like him too......

Hope to see you soon.

Grammy T