Wednesday, August 22, 2007

play day

Today we had some very special visitors! Caroline and Camp came to play with us! We had such a great time. We made a garden paving stone, boy are these kiddos creative! Then we, of course, went swimming, swimming, swimming. We had a spectacular diving contest and of course we all won because our talents were overwhelming!!! Then we did an art project with foam paper. Next we were onto baking cookies, we made pink, blue and green sugar cookies in all shapes and sizes........ they were scrumptious! Kaylee watched in amazement all day long!! She loved to laugh and grunt at camp and of course give him lots of hugs!!! She liked to watch Caroline do flips in the pool and would clap for her! Caroline and Camp were so awesome playing with kaylee! She learned a lot from them today!!!! Mommy is plum wiped out.... oops I meant Kaylee is so tired she went to bed at seven a whole hour early and for our little anti-sleeper that's big!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Looks like a fun filled day!! These pics are so cute. Looks like you found the key to getting her down early!!