Sunday, February 10, 2008

Where in the world have we been???

Well Hi there friends..... yes I know a new post is long over due. We all know I cannot multi task well soooooo now that I have Christmas, aunt Gee Gee's 30th, and super bowl party in the memories category I can now work on this during kaylee's naps.

We've had a blast here in the last few months. Kaylee loved Christmas, so many things that we loved but my all time favorite was Christmas eve when Keenon and I stayed up late unpacking kaylee's new toys, you know what I'm talking about, the theft proof, parent proof packaging they put on toys now a days..... anyway we stayed up for several hours getting them out of the boxes, putting together a new riding car and table for her playroom and most importantly to our sparky was watching a Christmas Story. To continue on with this memory was when kaylee woke up that morning and ran from our bedroom to her playroom like she does every morning; but on this particular morning the little pitter patter of her feet stopped short of her playroom and went into the great room. Then we saw her eyes get huge and a big smile came across her face and a squeal as she saw the new riding car. She went up to it and looked back at us as if to silently ask is this mine, is it really for me?!?!?! Needless to say this Christmas was priceless and one that will be cherished!!!!

Opening presents with grammy, another awesome memory!!!!!

Had to try out our new vacuum too, I'm so glad she loves to vacuum!

Then a few days after Christmas we had a day in the woods with daddy..... aka daddy was dying to get out in our back yard and do some manly man things...... so Kaylee and I pretended to help for a few minutes...... We distracted daddy from his brush hog and bonfire, oh did I mention this was in MY BACKYARD?!?!?!? let's just say we won't be having anymore bonfires in the backyard.... cleaning it out of the pool was NOT I repeat NOT fun! Once Kaylee got her hands dirty let's just say we both had enough!!! But, daddy got his fix on doing manly man things!

After all of the Christmas fun, we go down to business on aunt Gee Gee's 30th birthday party. It was so much fun! Most importantly we made Gee Gee feel special, something she always does for us

Then we got ready for the super bowl, Kaylee was simple to please, we got the "superbowl" rug out or aka in mommy's world the rug that saves her precious shag rug from any party fowls.... and a huge container of animal cookies and kaylee was good to go.

Not to mention, the highlight of the super bowl party for Kaylee was getting to play with her favorite buddy Elaine..... they had a blast!!!!After all of that we have enjoyed a leisure week of playing on our new outdoor climbing thing... whatever you call that stuff and we started swimming lessons this week..... which was really awesome!!! We'll show you our playtime pics soon!!!


-Gina- said...

Awesome Post Kel :) I enjoyed it!! Pics are adorable as usual!!! Ya Ya

Thank you for working so hard on my party...It was AMAZING!!!

Anonymous said...

It was a great Super Bowl Party. We had a great time. The pictures are adorable. Kaylee is growing up too fast!!!

Grammy T